When it comes to which Junior Prom dresses you can wear, every school has its own rules. Some schools require semi-formal dresses or short formal dresses for juniors, saving the long prom dresses for seniors. Other schools treat Junior Prom exactly like Senior Prom, making any long formal dresses game for the fancy occasion. This means that your first step to figuring out which dress you can wear to Junior Prom is to check your school’s dress code rules for the dance. When you’re ready to shop, here are a few tips from PromGirl:
If Your Junior Prom Calls for…
…short prom dresses, then you’ve got quite a range of styles to explore! You can shop semi-formal dresses for beautiful designs that are easily reworn to other dances and celebrations. If you really want to go all out, be sure to shop short formal dresses. These are short, but elegant dresses for Junior Prom that give you all the glamour of a Senior Prom style with a shorter skirt.
…long prom dresses, then you’ve got a whole range of long formal dresses to explore. The floor-length skirt makes long prom dresses automatically sophisticated enough for a formal dance, so all you’ve got to do is find your favorite color and style among the long dresses for Junior Prom.
Whether your school requires a certain length or you’re free to choose your preference, you’ll be both stylish and fancy in one of the Junior Prom dresses available at PromGirl! Discover the fashion possibilities when you shop these short and long formal dresses for Junior Prom.
Junior Prom: What Dress Can I Wear?