Health and Fitness Advice for Prom

If you want to enjoy prom night to the fullest, then your health and energy need to be at their best! Your excitement might be at peak capacity, but the body needs to operate on the same level. This important and undeniable link between prom and health can't be overlooked. The results of day-to-day habits manifest themselves in the prom night festivities. Hydration, exercise, and food all tie together to make or break your prom night mood. Prepare to light up the night in your prom dress with all the right advice on health and fitness. Far from the typical prom advice, PromGirl has a list of health tips for prom, as well as tricks for enhancing pre-prom fitness regimens.
#1 Health Tip for Prom: Hydrate!
Staying hydrated is a piece of prom advice that shouldn't be ignored. Water makes up the majority of the human body and is essential for its everyday functioning. It's no surprise that hydration is important to your overall health, as well as your prom health. Water is a big factor in your energy levels. Try starting and ending the day with a large glass of fluids to boost hydration levels before and after sleep. This will become even more crucial on prom day. Dancing and moving over the course of prom can lead to sweating. Guess what this means? Water loss. Salty foods often consumed at parties before and after prom also cause dehydration, requiring higher water intake. Make it a goal to consume at least half of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day. Increase your intake of water as needed based on activity levels and the amount of sodium-packed snacks you eat. Swapping sugar-dense sodas and juices for clear liquids is a wonderful way to start hydrating for prom!
#2 Health Tip for Prom: Eat a Balanced Diet
Our diets are closely connected to the way we feel, and this isn't any different on prom night. Food is fuel, providing all the energy needed to move, dance, and engage with friends. An adequate supply of protein, carbs, and fat keeps hunger at bay, the mood in check, and you on your game. Try to focus on incorporating healthy snacks with plenty of fruits and vegetables on prom day to keep you going strong. If your prom involves dinner, it might not be until later in the evening. Feeling faint from a lack of proper nourishment interferes with enjoying the evening to the max. On the other side of the spectrum, eating too much food beforehand, especially greasy, salty, or sugary foods, might leave you feeling bloated or sluggish, just waiting for prom night to be over. Ultimately, it's important to find balance to keep energy high enough for bouncing across the dance floor, enjoying a meal with your prom date, and hanging out with your closest pals before and after. Have an idea of what foods you'll munch on throughout the day to avoid ending up in one of the danger zones, and maybe stash a protein bar in your clutch just in case something goes askew.
#3 Health Tip for Prom: Be Active
Ready to dance the night away at prom? Practice makes perfect! Getting in some extra activity, or pre-prom fitness, can help prepare you for killing it on the dance floor. Gear up the body for fast-paced movement with a healthy dose of cardio in the weeks prior to prom. While some sweating is expected, and it's normal to feel slightly out of breath from exertion, incorporating some light cardio before prom night might make you feel more prepared. Exercise and heightened activity levels in any capacity are linked to better moods and higher energy levels. Why not try out Zumba or sign up for a fun dance class for some pre-prom fitness? You'll get an extra bang for your buck on that one, as you practice and learn all new dance moves. If cardio isn't of interest or you hate going to the gym, that's completely fine too. Everyday activities like walking up stairs, biking, and cleaning all get the body moving and might help you gain some of the same benefits. Lifting weights is another excellent option, building muscle to make you feel stronger and more powerful on prom night. Higher activity levels are correlated with increased confidence and can leave you feeling more alert.
#4 Health Tip for Prom: Get Some Zzz's
While the anticipation for prom night is high, and there might be a lot running through your mind, it's crucial that this doesn't interfere with your sleep schedule. Doctors suggest people get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night for healthy day-to-day functioning. During sleep, our body replenishes energy and gears up to handle the demands of the following day. With inadequate sleep before prom, you might find yourself too tired to take in everything the prom experience has to offer. Quality sleep can promote other healthy habits, such as eating right, which will get you feeling your best. Not to mention, it might reduce some minor anxiety about the day. Even though it would be ideal to get a full night's sleep every night, setting an alarm for bedtime the night before prom can help ensure that the target of eight hours is hit before all of the excitement. If it is difficult to get to sleep from pre-prom nerves, try running a diffuser with essential oils to ease any tension. Television, laptop, tablet, and cell phone screens will keep your mind active even after the lights go out, so avoid bright lights right before hitting the hay and put your phone away!
#5 Health Tip for Prom: Don't Wear Yourself Out
With prom approaching, the schedule will get a little bit busier than normal. On top of meeting deadlines for school, there's quite a bit to prepare for prom. Finding the right dress, making arrangements with your date, and coordinating with friends are all important, but they definitely shouldn't take a toll. Prom night and all of the plans surrounding it feel like an adventure when done right. If this means that you need to take a step back here and there, letting others take the lead, do it. Don't be afraid to ask a family member or friend for a little support. Maybe a parent can pick up the flowers for you or decide which location is best for pictures. Sometimes letting some control of the routine go ensures it won't control you. Ordering a prom dress online also saves time and removes the stress of going to a store to try on countless dresses. If you've decided to start getting more active and need a little advice on healthy habits, don't wear yourself into the ground with some new training program that just leaves you sore walking out the door. Strive to strike a balance between your activities and rest times in order to keep your energy levels high and your mind at ease.
#6 Health Tip for Prom: Make Time to Decompress
Prom and stress are two words that should never mix! Prom is fun, and stress…is, well, not. If you are starting to feel a little overwhelmed by everything on the agenda, then take a step back and remember that it's all for fun. Not every detail is of major significance, and there is absolutely no need to make a mountain out of a molehill when something goes slightly differently than expected. If you've become too heavily entwined in all of the planning, schedule a date with friends to take a break. If you find yourself getting a little anxious or overly excited about the festivities, try unwinding with a calming activity you really enjoy, like yoga or reading a book. There's a lot going on when prom season rolls around. Rather than getting caught up in the madness, it can be a prime time for major self care. Just think of everything involved in the prom prep with a fresh perspective. Let getting your hair, nails, and makeup done be a recipe for a little TLC. Allowing yourself to decompress is so important. While this health and fitness advice is easily overlooked, taking a rounded approach to overall well-being deserves some serious attention.
#7 Health Tip for Prom: Give Your Immune System a Boost
What could be better than feeling completely clear and healthy on prom night? It certainly makes appreciating every special moment all the more wonderful. Sniffling, wheezing, and coughing are probably not on the docket for the evening, nor should they be! Time to get the immune system up and running at its peak. By eating nutritious whole foods, chock full of vitamin C, you'll be stepping in the right direction, but there's so much you can do to help keep sickness away before prom. Staying active and getting enough sleep are pivotal to building up a strong defense against germs. In addition to building up your immunity, basic prom health advice includes generally healthy habits, such as making sure you're washing your hands often and avoiding others that are sick before the big day.